Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Unexpected Rain

Those of you who are reading my blog for a long time now, might remember the article I wrote some several years ago, titled "It's raining in Cairo". Since that time, it only rained twice. Usually it boils down to some water dropplets over some regions.

Today was an exceptional day. Thunder, lightning, and real rain was the case. I don't believe that this has happened in Cairo for the last decade. I might be wrong.

Of course, Cairo is not prepared for this. Streets got flooded. People panicked. Some put on winter clothes, although the weather is hot :). For us, Egyptians, rains are tightly correlated with winter, and cold weather. The first effect always goes to traffic.

What makes this weird is that there are no rains in Alexandria, which means that this is not coming from the Sea. In the mean time, news are talking about the rise in the water level of the river Nile. Could it be the case? Well, if so, then this might be a new phenomenon. I will try to follow up and update as I find something.

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