Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What a unique translation :)

Unique constraint violated = تم انتهاك القيد الفريد

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Girls are like apples - hehehe

---------------are like apples----------------
----------on trees. The best ones----------
--------are at the top of the tree.----------
------The boys don't want to reach--------
-----for the good ones because they-----
--are afraid of falling and getting hurt.--
Instead, they just get the rotten apples-
--from the ground that aren't as good,--
-but easy. So the apples at the top think
-something is wrong with them, when in
----reality, they're amazing. They just----
-----have to wait for the right boy to-----
--------come along, the one who's--------
------------- brave enough to---------------
------------------climb all---------------------
----------------- the way---------------------
-----------------to the top-------------------
----------------of the tree.------------------

Monday, May 14, 2007

Sefty frest

Eshnine eat oil.
Lubber Bad.
Kaffar Bad.
One Day Go.
One Day Fix.
One Day Go.
Sefty Frest, Sefty Frest.

Ok, folks here is the story :)
I recall my friend Kohail telling me a story about this technician responsible for vehicles and their safety in that big big company.
When they took this old car to him, and he checked on this car, the former phrases were what he said.

Eshnine eat oil = means Engine eats oil, and this is the transliteration from arabic which means that the engine is leaking oil.
Lubber bad = means the tires are bad (they are made of rubber, this is also a transliteration)
Kaffar bad = Cover bad, and cover here means the hood, and he wanted to say that the whole mechanical parts of the car need maintenance.
One Day Go, One Day Fix, One Day Go = he says the car will take three days to be fixed a day to send it somewhere, then another day to get fixed there, then a third day to get it back.

Then he says his everyday motto: Sefty Frest, Sefty Frest = Safety First, Safety Firs

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Monkeys perception.

I am sitting on my desk working hard, just to find an english collegue
who is conducting some training here to be sitting to the cubicle next
to mine. My attention was not that aware of him till he started to
talk on the phone. I was first fascinated with the accent, trying hard
to pick up as much words as I can in a hard attempts to fix some of

Fortunately the handsets here are very good that I could hear the
other party, it was his little little daughter.

After some basic chat between a father and his daughter, I realized
that the little girl's perception was that her dad is in this country
with camels and monkeys!!!

So the father, deceiving his daughter, was just asserting that he was
there in this store with monkeys sold !!!

He then started talking to his wife, mentioning that unexpectedly
found 5 storeys shopping mall he just visited!!

I have no comment!!
Sincerely yours;
Mohamad A. Charaf.