Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Samir came from alexandria to cairo, specially to pay Shahrzad a visit. If you think that it is a musical, think twice. Shahrzad is one of the oldest milestones in the night life of cairo, a night club, or "cabaret" as they call it in Egypt.

Samir picked the wrong person to accompany him, he picked me. He tried the whole previous week to make it simple for me to go to such a place. I was really convinced.

Then came the D-day, and we are standing in front of the place, and here comes the doorman, or the club tender, you name him, we all know what do they call him ;-) and he started doing his work on Samir, convincing him to enter. We entered......

Just three steps inside, to find a red dark place, with very low light, dark red chairs, and black tables, then a third degree belly dancer going from one table to the other, greeting the guests, and we were received by another lady that was most probably a man and converted, i.e. a trans-sexual. And here I decided that I have got enough of this. I returned backwards.

We have spent the whole night till 3:50 AM searching for another place that was not expensive and was not that low, but we didn't find.

For me, I was satisfied to see such a place, and know that there are real mean places in this city, Cairo.

1 comment:

Blogger korona said...

Ovo je test komentar da vidim kako izgleda forma za unos i kao to sve funkcioniše.
Znači otvori se novi list, nova prezentacija, unosimo komentar i na kraju potvrdimo word verifikaciju. odnosno otkucamo prepoznatu riječ. U mom slučaju to je "nosomp"