Saturday, December 25, 2004

It is raining in Cairo.

Today was one fine day for me, although it was completely different for most of the citizens of Cairo. For the first time since centuries, Cairo is experiencing rain, and I mean rain. As an Alexandrian, it is such a normal thing for me to walk and live while it is raining, something we experience annually. But in Cairo it is totally completely another story. People don’t know what to do when it is raining here, as if they are in a scene of “Deep impact” waiting for the particles to fall over their heads. Streets get instantly crowded, people run quickly to their homes and pick up their warmest coats, although the temperature is over 15 degrees.
Then you look up at any building to find people looking out of their windows, stretching hands and heads in a childish manner to experience the rain fall over them.

Wonderful people !!! :)


Mohamad Charaf said...

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Anonymous said...

Charaf... what do Cairians know about rain!? all what I got to say about that is, what our uncle hesham hamed said " malaki el kahera ya ............"